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Canadian Women Making a Difference: Cathie Ostapchuk

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we are sharing a series of interviews with incredible women who #PressForProgress and are making a difference in Canada and around the world. Check our blog throughout the month of March for fresh inspiration!

Name: Cathie Ostapchuk
Occupation: Leadership Development Trainer, Consultant & Coach; Co-Founder of Gather Women
How she's making a difference: Raising the voice and presence of Canadian Christian women from coast to coast.
1) Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a visionary with a heart for this nation - and all the women who call Canada home! I Co-Chaired the Just Give Me Jesus Revival with Anne Graham Lotz a number of years ago at the Air Canada Centre and believe in the power of women gathering: the one, the few the many for this time in history in our nation.

2) What unique gifts do you bring to the world?
I bring the gifts of casting vision, preaching, teaching and seeking to empower leaders.

3) How are you making a difference right now?
Co-Founding Gather Women is a way I am seeking to make a difference - for women to see the bigger story God is writing in the hearts of women across Canada and allowing us all to see and share that story by gathering, equipping and championing the women in this nation to influence their world for Jesus Christ.

4) What motivates you to do what you do?
I am motivated by a passion for the Gospel and discipleship, a sense that revival is not an impossibility in my time, and that when I step out I encourage another woman to step out and take their place in their brave moment.

5) Why are you passionate about the work of IJM? How do you show your support?
IJM has a compelling vision and has the redeeming quality of the work of Christ - rescuing those who could not rescue themselves - providing opportunity for transformation in the lives of victims and coming alongside with support and resources. I love each story that IJM tells - and the risk that is taken on behalf of those who would be powerless unless someone stepped in. I love the women I have met who have committed their lives to the work of IJM - including the inspiring Kelly Cameron and Petra [Kooman]!

6) What would you like to see happen for women in the future?
I would love to see women step into their brave moments and know that no mountain of fear or no lack of confidence can keep them from their own unique place in history. I would love to see a network of women across Canada encouraging and equipping each other in the Word of God and in leadership mentoring and training.

7) If you could have a coffee chat with any woman, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Mother Teresa! She advocated for others from a position of humility and strength.

8) What's your favourite inspiring quote?
"It takes as along as it takes", "leadership is a long obedience in the same direction", "stay the path".

9) What advice do you have for the women in our audience who want to make a difference in the world?
DO IT. Find your tribe, get your girls around you and DO IT.

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