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A Meaningful, Last-Minute Gift that Arrives on Time

International Justice Mission Canada's new online gift catalogue sends a meaningful, last-minute gift just in time for the holidays.

LONDON, ON, Dec. 18, 2018 /CNW/ - International Justice Mission Canada's new online gift catalogue is the solution consumers may be looking for this holiday season. With many parcels and cards delayed in the post, gift-givers can give a present that is both meaningful and arrives on time by making a donation to a charity in honour of someone they care about.

Every year, North Americans spend money on gifts that don't mean much to their recipients. For example:

Giving a gift to a charity in someone's honour could take the wastefulness out of unwanted gifts.

"It can be difficult to buy gifts for that person on your list who has everything," says Glenn Waterman, IJM Canada's Vice-President of Development and Marketing. "Giving a gift that will help lift someone out of slavery, for example, and honouring someone special to you could solve that problem: you get to give a meaningful gift and support a charity you care about."

International Justice Mission Canada's new online gift catalogue is filled with meaningful gifts for gift-givers still scrambling to buy presents for everyone on their list.

Each IJM Canada gift catalogue purchase includes the option to send a beautifully designed e-card to the recipient.

What makes a great gift this holiday season? Watch the video.

About International Justice Mission Canada

International Justice Mission Canada is part of a global organization that protects the poor from violence throughout the developing world. IJM partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen justice systems. Learn more at

For further information: Petra Kooman, International Justice Mission Canada | Email: | Phone: 519-679-5030 x 229

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