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10 Quick & Easy Fundraisers for Kids

It’s always good to have a few entertainment ideas tucked away in your back pocket for when your kids put down the iPads.

Technology may be advancing beyond our imaginations, but do you really want them relying on it to teach them about the realities of the world?

This is where you come in!

There are thousands of worthy causes that would love to see your kids advocating and fundraising for them. Here are ten kid-friendly fundraising ideas you can use to teach your kids that they can make a difference.

1: Throw a Party
Invite the kids and parents in your neighbourhood to participate in some traditional fun in your backyard. Egg-and-spoon racing, tug-of-war, and a water balloon toss will wear them all out. Charge for the event, charge per game, or charge for the mouthwatering BBQ'd food you’ll offer later.

2: Lemonade Stand
There’s a reason lemonade stands have been around for so long. It's a great way to teach children about fundraising and about running a business. Get them inspired in advance by having them create posters to post around the neighbourhood. Not all the money needs to go to the organization. What about a 50/50 split so they can buy ice cream later? (Ensure the donors are advised).

3: Bottle Drive
Another standard option, but it can be a lot of fun if you have multiple children involved. Make it a competition to see who can collect the most bottles. Have a prize for the winner, and offer praise and motivation as their bottle mountains grow.

4: Costume Parade
Are your children pirates or princesses? Give them a chance to show their true colours in a costume parade or themed day. Gather local kids and ask them to pay a minimal amount to participate.

5: Yard Sale
We live in a society of abundance. Giving away what we don’t need is a good lesson to learn at a young age. As your children grow out of their clothes and toys, challenge them to part with what they no longer use and sell it all in a yard sale. Reward them after with a memory-making experience to show that things are less important than adventures and caring for one another.

6: Board Game Tournament
Blow the dust off of your Scrabble and Snakes & Ladders games for a board game tournament! Pick games that are fun and familiar, set time limits, and charge per player. Whip up some tasty drinks and snacks that can also be offered for a minimal donation. Let the competitive spirit run!

7: Balloon Pop
Is it a single balloon? Or half a dozen that need to be popped each round as they compete with each other to advance to the top. Make it more interesting by changing up the balloon shape, filling the balloons with stuff (have a water balloon round, or nickels that they have to collect from each balloon to drop in jars), or have them work in teams.

8: Car Wash
Hot summer day? Check. Need to cool off? Check. Get through these days with a car wash! Sponges will be thrown and buckets knocked over, but all is forgiven when it’s for a good cause. Give the youngest participants squirt guns for the car rinse.

9: Homemade Boat Race
Have a pool or a pond nearby? This option is a great way to enjoy the sunshine and a cool breeze. Give everyone the same supplies – cardboard, scissors, tape, glue and decorations – and see who can create the boat that will float the furthest. Offer prizes for the top creations.

10: Talent Show
You know your children are brilliantly talented, but do all of your friends know? Use your deck as a stage, borrow a karaoke machine, sell tickets and invite neighbours to act as judges. Parents of the winner get bragging rights and the kids will have a great time showing off their talents!

It's not hard to put the ‘fun’ in fundraising. Just ensure that you debrief with your children after the fact so they understand why you just had a dog parade in front of dozens of confused strangers. Kids understand, and take to heart, a lot more than they are given credit for. You’re equipping them more than just a fun afternoon. You're equipping them for a meaningful life.

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