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24 ca june kakada hero

Kakada is living out her passion for justice every day

It's a passion she shares with you! When you walk alongside IJM, you're walking hand-in-hand with staff like Kakada.

When your heart is filled with a passion for justice, living that out however you can is a given.

That’s what IJM Cambodia staff Kakada’s journey has been about. She grew up in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, until the Khmer Rouge regime drove her family away along with over two million other people.

It was the tragic events of the Cambodian genocide that pushed her to pursue social work. Then, after her father died—and she was discriminated against for being a widow’s child—she knew she wanted to use her work and skills to advocate for vulnerable people. “I was inspired to do my best to honor my mother and help people in need,” she says.

Though Kakada’s path has been filled with many challenges, one thing is clear:

Pursuing justice is an entire way of life. As a faithful IJM supporter, you know this well.

24 ca june kakada

When Kakada first heard of a job opportunity at IJM, she immediately knew it was for her. “I wanted to be part of IJM’s mission. It aligns to my calling and my passion in pursuing justice.”

Now, she works tirelessly to provide survivors with practical psychosocial support, and to build connections with law enforcement and social service providers—all so survivors can receive better trauma-informed responses.

And all that hard work pays off: it fills her heart and spirit. “It’s inspiring to witness survivors becoming confident to stand up for themselves,” she says.

Did you know when you walk alongside IJM, you’re walking hand-in-hand with our staff like Kakada all over the world?

Because when you pursue your passion for justice with us, you’re doing two powerful things at the same time. You’re both helping survivors receive the best support possible and ensuring staff like Kakada are there to care for them.

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