1 in 100 children in the Philippines will have experienced online sexual exploitation in their life.
Zoey knew love from a young age.
Her parents cared for her, gave her all their love and did whatever they could to provide for Zoey and her siblings.
But like so many other Filipino children like her, Zoey was still vulnerable. She trusted that she would be safe and loved at home, but it wasn’t enough.
Zoey was tricked into online sexual exploitation by her sisters.
The staggering truth of Zoey’s story is this: 1 in 100 children in the Philippines will have their life touched by online sexual exploitation.
The statistics are staggeringly large because the internet is so easily accessible. Perpetrators can commit their crimes from anywhere in the world—and abuse children in far away places like the Philippines.
Online sexual exploitation is rampant and affecting children just like Zoey every single day.
Yet there are many other truths in Zoey’s story beyond this.
She was rescued, the online perpetrator was brought to justice and she is continuing to heal and fight for survivors like her.
That was possible because people like you don’t give up on this fight! Your commitment helps staff, volunteers and partners as we walk alongside survivors in their healing journeys.
What was it like for Zoey to experience tangible love from both local and global people who care? She says:
“Little by little, as I spent more time in the [aftercare shelter], I started to see signs that I had potential in me, that other people were seeing and pointing out to me. That boosted my confidence.”
Now, Zoey has the confidence to share her story far and wide. With her cousins, with people like you across the world in Canada and even with local legislators in the Philippines. She is sharing and fighting for children like her.
“The weight in my chest lifted when I shared my story,” she remembers. “You know someone is listening. It makes me feel lighter.”