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Holy Week Devotionals

Palm Sunday - March 24

Luke 19:28-40; Psalm 118

GSN LAUNCH DRONE 151 jpg Hope in Freedom GSN 202208 GHA GSN Gathering Approved for Full Use 62f8a7a1014b6fe27a2a3a9101f83ded

Have you ever been part of a crowd of people jostling to catch a glimpse of someone important? Perhaps you have queued outside a cinema for a film premiere featuring your favourite actor or done rush seating for a concert.

Whether or not you’ve experienced such a crowd in person, it’s not hard to imagine yourself in this scene as Jesus rides into Jerusalem – people packed tightly together, pushing for a view of someone about whom they’ve heard so much. But this time, they’re not waiting for a celebrity: they’re waiting for a teacher. Jesus – the one who has been healing and teaching, who has been declaring forgiveness of sins and asking confusing questions of the religious leaders – he’s riding through the streets, journeying down the hill and into the city.

So, you join the bustling crowd and try to catch a glimpse of this man who raises more questions than he answers.

And then the cry goes up:

‘Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!’

You pause.

You know those words.

You’ve been steeped in them since you were young – Psalm 118, a psalm of thanksgiving to the LORD, to Yahweh, to the God who remains faithful, who defeats his enemies and establishes his kingdom. It’s a psalm that speaks of God’s enduring love, his mighty acts, his deliverance. It’s a psalm that reminds the people of God that it is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans or princes. But why those words? Why now?

What does this psalm have to do with this teacher man? What does this psalm have to do with Jesus? Is he the promised Messiah? Is he the king who will finally deliver God’s people from their oppressors? The one of whom Isaiah spoke, who will bring forth justice for those who are downtrodden and oppressed (Isaiah 42:4)? The one who will proclaim peace to the nations (Zechariah 9:10)? Who will establish and uphold God’s kingdom of peace (Isaiah 9:7)? Is this the king whose throne sits upon foundations of righteousness and justice (Psalm 89:14)? Is this him?

As you watch, the questions remain unanswered. All you know is that you cannot help but join in the celebration because maybe, just maybe, your prayers are about to be answered.

Over the course of the coming week, the actions of this man – this Jesus – will once again raise more questions than they answer.

Over the course of this coming week, surprises will come thick and fast. Questions will linger. Choices will be made.

But over the course of this coming week, the world will be changed forever. Just not in the way any of us expect.


How have you seen something in a different light recently, and how might God be inviting you to respond?


Pray that God would open your eyes to see issues that he cares about in a new light, such as justice and injustice. If you would like, you can read some facts on modern-day slavery and violence below to inspire your prayers.


  • Over 50 million people are held in slavery today (International Labour Organisation, 2022)
  • One in four of those held in modern slavery today is a child (International Labour Organization). That’s 12 million children – more than the total number of children in all of Canada.
  • International Justice Mission (IJM) has worked alongside partners to bring more than 85,000 people to safety from slavery and violence over the last 26 years and has seen slavery decrease by up to 86% in places where we’ve worked.

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