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Freedom Fast

Hour 14

IJM Kenya has also recorded a short video with prayer requests from their team.

Video Transcripts

“Hi, my name is Lilian Odhiambo. I serve as a programs assistant in International Justice Mission Kenya. IJM Kenya deals with police abuse of power programming. This program seeks to curb the police excesses that are so rampant in this country. As you go to a time of prayer, please pray that this program will be successful. Also pray that the cases that are in court that have taken quite a long time will come to completion in a reasonable time so that our clients will get justice. Specifically, pray for the Mavoko 3 case. This is a case where our trusted taxi driver Joseph, our client, and our lawyer, Willie, were abducted and later killed by police officials on their way from court. This case has taken more than 5 years. And the defense has used all their means possible to delay this case. As you pray, remember to pray for the families of the victims, our lawyers and our prosecutors – that justice will prevail in this case. We also have an inquest currently in court where two police officials killed seven teenagers who were planning on they will clean their community. This is an inquest that has taken more than 10 years. And the police officials have used all their means to avoid accountability for their actions. Please pray that this inquest will come to completion in good time. We are also headed to a time of general election. Previously, we’ve noticed a lot of police brutality during this period. It’s our prayer that even as it comes up, that this time it will be peaceful. Thank you.”

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