Connectors for Good
Consider the resources available to you and consider who are the people you’re connected to.
Now think about how you can combine the two to fight against modern slavery.
That’s what Troy Sedgwick, an IJM Canada donor, had been thinking recently. “I’m a connector. I love seeing ideas and people come together,” reflected Troy. “And I thought we could do something special here for IJM.”
Troy owns Rec Media Inc. and had advertising space in hockey arenas across Calgary. That’s what was in his hand. But who was in his circle? Tyler Chisholm at clearmotive marketing group and his team of creative minds.
So they joined forces to create a special advertising campaign in hockey rinks around Calgary and Airdrie, Alberta, to help Canadians take a hard look at the reality of the 50 million people worldwide still trapped in modern slavery.
Because if we're serious about keeping people safe from violent exploitation, if we're serious about retiring this number, then it's going to take all of us. People like Troy and Tyler and global IJM teams and you and everyone you know.
If you have an idea or connection of your own you’d like to leverage for good, email to share your idea with us today.