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IJ Mca 062819 Advocacy Campaign Landing Page Header

Slavery is all around you

152 million children around the world are child labourers, with 73 million of those engaged in hazardous work. Meanwhile, an estimated 40.3 million adults are in modern slavery, including 24.9 million in forced labour. -International Labour Organization

You Can Help End Slavery

Your laptop, computer and cell phone come at a high price: Canada imports more than US$7.6 billion of these products from countries where there is a risk of slavery being used to produce them.

(Global Slavery Index)

Fast fashion costs more than you think. The textile and fashion industry grapples with slavery throughout its supply chain. Slavery can appear all along the creation of a garment: harvesting cotton, the spinning mill, or sewing the garment. Fashion is Canada’s second highest value import at risk of slavery, at approximately US$4.7 billion.

(Global Slavery Index)

Canada imports over US$390 million worth of fish from countries suspected of having slavery in their fishing industries. Recently, IJM has partnered with the Thai government to eradicate slavery in its fishing industry.

(Global Slavery Index)

Gold comes from the mining industry, where slave owners have trapped entire families in slavery for generations with no hope of freedom. Canada imports nearly US$1.6 billion worth of gold annually. The work in these mines is so dangerous that the use of children in this type of mining officially falls under some of the worst forms of child labour.

(Global Slavery Index)

What is IJM doing?

IJM is combatting forced labour slavery around the world.

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IJM has partnered with officials in Thailand to combat slavery in the fishing industry.

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In a 2016 study, IJM worked with the Issara Institute to survey Burmese and Cambodian fishermen and confirmed that trafficking of migrant fishermen on Thai fishing boats is widespread, with common patterns of abuse.

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