2030 Vision
In 2007, with the partnership of entrepreneurial supporters around the world, we launched an audacious 10-year vision to rescue thousands, protect millions, and prove that justice for the poor is possible. In 2017, we saw the conclusion of that vision and the results were astounding.
2017 Vision Results
Launching the 2030 Vision
We have a lot to celebrate. We also know that the work is not finished yet.
Now, we are launching the 2030 Vision. Through support from amazing donors like you, we will rescue millions, protect half a billion, and make justice for the poor unstoppable.

Rescue Millions
Secure rescue for two million victims of slavery and other violence in collaboration with trained partners.

Protect Half a Billion
Protect half a billion children, women and men by strengthening justice systems to disrupt the business model of violence.

Move Global Institutions
Move global institutions—from development institutions to major corporations—to invest their resources and influence to protect the poor and strengthen justice systems.

Equip Champions
Equip champions worldwide to share the story and mission of ending violence against the poor.

Mobilize Churches
Mobilize a global movement of churches to embed the biblical call to justice in their congregations and communities.

Build a Global Team
Build an authentically global team driven by leaders and voices from our offices around the world.

Invest in Infrastructure
Leverage world-class processes, systems and infrastructure to globally integrate our work and multiply our impact.