Together, we can build a safer,
more just world.
Children, women and men face the reality of modern slavery, exploitation and abuse every day because people in power prey on the vulnerabilities that poverty creates.
IJM Canada is on a mission to partner with local communities to build a more just world where everyone can expect to be safe and protected.
We hope you will join us on October 30 to learn more about our work in strengthening justice systems to prevent violence from happening in the first place.
What to Expect
Captivating stories of rescue and restoration of survivors
The latest on IJM’s work
Join us in raising $600,000 to end violence
Tatiana’s Story
At this year’s benefit, we will celebrate survivors like Tatiana.
At the age of 4, Tatiana was raped while innocently playing with other neighborhood children in Guatemala. Tatiana’s parents noticed the abuse but never reported it to local authorities. They reached an agreement with the parents of the aggressors and moved away from the house to leave it all behind. From that moment on, Tatiana faced many trials including intrafamily abuse, and for years she felt like she had to carry all this alone.
Fast forward 26 years, Tatiana got connected with Mi Historia Importa (My Story Matters) a survivor group supported by IJM in Guatemala. There she met others, who like her had experienced abuse, but were moving forward and for the first time, she felt part of a community.
Now that she has realized the power of her voice and the power of her story, Tatiana is convinced that her story can help change the world. “We all are worthy. Now that I am learning this, I seek to help others to let their voice be heard through their stories. Because your story and my story matter!”
Tatiana participated in IJM’s first “Public Narrative: Advocacy and the Power of Story” training. After that, she decided to become a co-coach. She now supports other survivors who want to use their stories to speak truth to power.
“I know I can help victims to become survivors, just like I did.” Tatiana sees the transformation she has undergone, from seeing herself as a “victim” to seeing and boldly presenting herself as a “survivor”.
Juan Miguel Rivera
VP Northern Triangle Program, IJM Global
Anu George Canjanathoppil
Chief Executive Officer, IJM Canada
Murray Neilson
Business Development, Nicola Wealth
Eugene Au
Director of Development and Mobilization, IJM Canada
Vancouver Benefit Registration
For any questions regarding the Vancouver Benefit please contact Eugene Au at