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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

I will send rescue.

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Your kindness each month can help rescue and restore children from abuse.

Become a Freedom Partner today to bring rescue, freedom and restoration to children around the world.

It’s a heartbreaking reality.

Offenders pay for images and videos of innocent children being abused. Sometimes the abuse even happens in real time.

In the Philippines, the number of children being abused in this way is alarming… 1 in 100.

The good news is—there’s something you can do to help rescue these children.

To help rescue even just one child.

By becoming a Freedom Partner, you can help make a difference…month after month.

Freedom Partners are a group of dedicated and compassionate people, like you, who do anything to protect women, children and families from violence.

By becoming a Freedom Partner, you’ll help fund things like investigations and rescue operations—each and every month.

Not only will you help bring freedom, but you’ll be a part of putting sex trafficking, modern slavery and other forms of violence out of business for good.

Will you consider joining other dedicated and loyal Freedom Partners across Canada by becoming a Freedom Partner today?

Thank you for protecting the most vulnerable at all costs.

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Give with confidence Canadian Council of Christian Charities - Seal of Accountability Better Business Bureau

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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