Together, we can build a safer,
more just world.
Children, women and men face the reality of modern slavery, exploitation and abuse every day because people in power prey on the vulnerabilities that poverty creates.
IJM Canada is on a mission to partner with local communities to build a more just world where everyone can expect to be safe and protected.
We hope you will join us on October 18 to learn more about our work in combatting modern slavery.
What to Expect
Captivating stories of rescue and restoration of survivors
The latest on IJM’s work
Join us in raising $600,000 to end violence
Aaron's Story
At this year’s benefit, we will continue celebrating survivors like Aaron*.
Aaron was just two years old when he was rescued from an unthinkable crime in the Philippines. He and other children had been sexually abused by one of Aaron’s relatives, who then shared the content online for a profit.
Working with global partners and local law enforcement in the Philippines, IJM was vital to gathering evidence and launching the investigation that led to the rescue of Aaron and other victims, as well as the arrest of the perpetrator.
After their rescue, Aaron and the other children were brought to an Assessment Centre, where a multidisciplinary team immediately began providing trauma-informed services and care.
When Aaron was emotionally ready, he was placed in the care of loving foster parents in the Philippines, where he continues to receive loving aftercare interventions. It’s a place where he can freely be a child again.
*a pseudonym and stock images
Ruby (a pseudonym)
Leader, Global Survivor Network
Anu George Canjanathoppil
Chief Executive Officer, IJM Canada
Murray Neilson
Business Development, Nicola Wealth
Eugene Au
Director of Development and Mobilization, IJM Canada
Vancouver Benefit Registration
For any questions regarding the Vancouver Benefit please contact Eugene Au at