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"It's a humbling and holy experience to meet young girls and boys who were once exploited and abused and see that they are now healing — and through that healing and restoration, they are able to embrace the wholeness of life that God intended for them.

We have joined IJM's Team Freedom with other pro athlete families to use our time, platform, and gifts on behalf of some of the world's most vulnerable people. We hope you will join us in this important fight. Until all are free."

Join Benjamin and Kirsten Watson in the fight to end slavery.

Who are IJM Freedom Partners?

The faithful support of Freedom Partners brings freedom, justice and restoration to children and families around the world who are trapped in slavery and violence. Their ongoing commitment makes last-minute rescue and lasting restoration possible.
When you and your business give $24 or more a month, you can be a Freedom Partner and provide the protection and critical care these children and families deserve.
Will you join us?

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We are International Justice Mission

IJM is the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, working to fight modern-day slavery, human trafficking, and violence against the poor. We are inspired by God’s call to love all people and to seek justice on behalf of the poor and oppressed.