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Monthly Gift

Become a Freedom Partner. Join the fight to protect children like Cassie.

Your monthly support will send protection to children who are still waiting to be rescued and ensure the ongoing work of justice continues until violence and trafficking is put to an end.

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Act Justly. Love Mercy. Give Hope.

For Freedom Partners these words are a daily call to action, and a commitment to participate in the ongoing work of justice until every child is free.

When you become a Freedom Partner, you will receive a beautiful gold bar necklace from Starfish Project with the words Act Justly and Love Mercy inscribed. This delicate statement piece outwardly reflects what’s inwardly written on your heart.

- Necklace is 16-18" and made with 14k gold-plated stainless steel

- *Fair Market Value is $40 and is not tax-deductible

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The Power of your monthly Gift

From last-minute rescues to lasting restoration, Freedom Partners help us do it all.