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Kashi survived trafficking. There's one thing she wants you to know.

Hear Kashi’s voice. Watch her story.

Kashi* was sold when she was five years old, and endured a decade of abuse, trafficking and exploitation, facing unimaginable pain every day. With the help of supporters like you, Kashi was rescued and brought to freedom. And today, she is raising her voice to help protect other girls who are vulnerable to trafficking and abuse.

You can join Kashi in this important work. By sending a gift today, you can help bring freedom, healing and safety to children and families who live under the watchful eye and cruel hand of the people who have trafficked and exploited them.

“I want one thing: what I have gone through to not happen to any other child.”

Join the fight to end slavery and violence with a gift today.

*A pseudonym and stock photos. The illustrated video allows you to hear the real Kashi tell her own story while also protecting her identity.