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There are children being trafficked right now. In the last three years alone, online sexual exploitation of children has tripled — meaning kids are being abused online for the profit of others at an alarming rate. It is time to end this abuse for good.

You can join International Justice Mission's Team Freedom in creating a world where children are free to play — safely and without fear.


Every child deserves to be
free from violence and abuse.

But right now, millions of children are victims of slavery and trafficking.

At IJM, we are building a safer future where children are protected, but we need your help.

Give Today


IJM works with local partners on the frontlines to:

Together, we can put an end to slavery and trafficking today. Rally with us. Until every child is free to play.

The video below shows a real text exchange between IJM team members in the Philippines during a rescue operation. The codename "Sparrow" refers to a child being rescued from online abuse.