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Wear Freedom

Each new Freedom Partner will receive a limited edition Freedom Scarf — a block printed scarf made by survivors of modern-day slavery in South Asia. Be reminded of your commitment to the Father’s heart for justice and compassion, every time you wear this scarf.

Yes, I’m ready to become a Freedom Partner.

Get my freedom scarf
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Meet Ruby

As a child, I was sexually exploited online: now I want governments and tech companies to take action

Ruby (not her real name) is a survivor of online child sexual exploitation in the Philippines. Now an adult, she is committed to raising awareness about the abuse she suffered and the actions government and tech industries must take to truly eradicate this crime.

Listen as Ruby bravely shares her story in a six-part podcast that takes you behind the scenes on her journey to freedom.

The Power of your monthly Gift

From last-minute rescues to lasting restoration, Freedom Partners help us do it all.